We all know the old rule of never recycling passwords, but how many of us actually follow this advice? In a world where people are still using the word “password” as their password, it’s no wonder that data breaches are a common occurrence.
About 65% of people use the same passwords for all their accounts, so it seems that convenience is a higher priority than safety for many. This classic password mistake isn’t just exclusive to individuals, however. Big and well knows businesses everywhere are guilty of skimping out on their password department.
A recent data breach from a large corporation compromised the salary information of 30 thousand employees. Their IT department was revealed to have kept sensitive login information for the company’s accounts under the label of “passwords.” Other passwords belonging to the company’s social media accounts were stored in other equally terrible folders like “Facebook login password.”
How safe are your company’s passwords? Take a look at this infographic from LogMeIn for more on how poor passwords can become a huge liability to your business. Thoughts or comments about password security? We’d love to hear what you have to say so join in on the discussion in the comment section.
Cover Photo Courtesy of Free Stock Photos
Infographic Courtesy of Smallbizclub