Jobs Teases The Apple Faithful Over WWDC 2010 Keynote

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Predictably, Steve Jobs has been announced as the Keynote speaker for this year’s WWDC conference to be held on June 7th, and the natural showman is already hard at work building suspense for the big day.

Jobs is famous for allegedly responding to emails sent to his personal address, and the latest response indicates that Jobs doesn’t intend to let Google steal Apple’s thunder. Mac Rumors reader Bryan Webster sent Jobs an email, encouraging Apple to outdo Google, and received a characteristically brief yet poignant response.

“You won’t be disappointed.”

Despite Gizmodo publishing information about the upcoming iPhone 4G, expected to debut at WWDC, Jobs email response gives hope that there will still be much to talk about once the keynote is done.

Source: MacRumors


  1. Personally I would like to see Google give Apple a huge run for their money. It’s about time Apple got some decent competition and if anyone can outshine them it’s going to be Google. Would love to wipe off that smugness Apple users have with Google’s awesomeness.


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