Julian Assange Set Free on Bail [Updated]


The founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, has been set free on bail by the British courts today. The conditions of his bail were that another hearing would be held on January 11, 2011. The $300,000+ bail was posted with help from many supporters (including several celebrities) who donated the money to have his bail posted.

All of this comes at the height of a rape investigation and secret U.S. cables being leaked into the wild. Although there is still some debate about whether Mr. Assange will be charged in the U.S. for allegations of espionage, the Wikileaks founder will surely be happy that he can have time to plan out his case involving the rape allegations against him. Not to mention he is fighting off extradition to Sweden

Mr. Assange has stated that Wikileaks will continue to operate as normal.

Update: Mr. Assange has been locked up again after an appeal by Swedish prosecutors. There will be a 48-hour period before the judge will hear the appeal.

As Reported by Reuters


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