Kickstarter suspends popular Anonabox campaign over scam accusations

Kickstarter has suspended the campaign for Anonabox, a $45-internet router, owing to controversy. Anonabox touted as “an open source embedded networking device designed specifically to run Tor” had a fundraising goal of $7,500 and with 8,928 backers, it managed to raise $585,549 in just five days. August Germar, the developer of Anonabox claimed that it would make a user’s online activity anonymous.

Kickstarter has frozen donations for Anonabox, an Internet router designed to make your online activity anonymous, amid growing backlash. The suspension comes on the heels of the privacy tool’s massively successful crowd-funding campaign earlier this week. The gadget was originally priced at $45 and runs on Tor, software that accesses Internet connections anonymously. Anonabox’s pledges, at one point, surpassed $600,000. Then Redditors targeted the device with accusations that the developers had misled customers and lied about the origins of Anonabox.

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