There is a lot of debate going on now with regards to electronic cigarettes. While some believe that e-cigarettes are a good way for smokers to wean themselves off smoking, others believe that it is merely a gateway device that will lead to smoking when they realize that they aren’t getting any “kick” from the devices. Others also argue that the chemicals used in e-cigarettes are equally harmful to the body. Now if you’re leaning towards “against” for e-cigarettes, then a new creation out of Holland might not sit too well with you. A Dutch company called E-Njoint B.V. has managed to create what they are calling the world’s first electronic joint. Now we know how that sounds, but it seems that it is more of a joint in name, rather than substance.
First e-cigarettes, now “e-joints”: the Dutch company E-Njoint B.V. is introducing a new, “100% legal” product that allows “people to enjoy a variety of flavors, relaxing, while expressing themselves in a unique way.” Designed to look like a marijuana cigarette, the E-Njoint, as it’s called, has an image of a marijuana leaf on its tip that lights up when in use, the International Business Times reports. The fake joints don’t have nicotine or THC in them, but rather vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol and flavoring. After the E-Njoints vaporize the original contents, however, consumers can load the reusable products with liquid forms of marijuana and “vape” those — a way of getting high that’s already inspired some entrepreneurs. “Holland is well known in the world for its tolerant and liberal attitude toward soft drugs, and the introduction of this new product clearly makes a statement,” said Menno Contant, the CEO of E-Njoint B.V., which is manufacturing 10,000 E-Njoints a day. “As long as you don’t bother or disturb other people and stay within the legal boundaries, all is well.”
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