LG may be gearing up to launch a Windows Phone smartphone after a gap of nearly four years. Twitter user @evleaks , known for his accurate tips related to unreleased smartphones, has posted a render of a large screen Windows Phone 8.1 handset, with the monicker LG Uni8. The phone featured in the image has very thin bezel and sports virtual, on-screen navigation keys similar to the recently launched Nokia Lumia 630. It runs Windows Phone 8.1 as evident from the background wallpaper and on-screen keys.
An image supposedly showing a future LG smartphone running Microsoft’s Windows Phone 8 operating system has been leaked. If it’s genuine, then the device will be LG’s first phone to runWindows Phone 8, and its first to be released with any version of the OS onboard since the original run of hardware in 2010. We don’t have very much to go on at the moment though. The picture was leaked via the @evleaks Twitter account, and is a slightly blurry, press-style shot of the device. It’s referred to as the LG Uni8, which if it’s the final name, would mean LG’s introducing a new brand for Windows Phone. Previously, it used the Optimus name, but has since relegated this to mid and low-end Androidsmartphones.
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