Memes 2010: The Year in Review

Memes 2010

Memes have been a staple of the Internet since emails were sent out with subject lines that started with “RE: FW: FW: FW: CC: RE: FW: RE: FW: FW: FW:”.

2010 was another stellar year for memes as old celebrities unintentional hit the spotlight and regular folks joined them in utter memeness. This graphic by MySpace takes 10 of the best ones from the year and visualizes them for us nicely. Below, you’ll find the live memes all on one nice page for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy.

Best Internet Memes of 2010
Check out more awesome videos on Myspace.


Meme Inception

The Rent is 2 Damn High

Pants on the Ground

Bachelor Frog

Meme Bachelor Frog

Jimmy Wales is Watching

Meme Jimmy Wales

Cigar Guy

Meme Cigar Guy

Kim Jong-Il Looking at Things

Meme Kim Jong Il

Sad Keanu

Meme Sad Keanu

Double Rainbow



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