Microsoft believes that the tides are turning in the Xbox One’s favor

Look out Sony, because the tide has turned in the next-gen console wars! Well, according to one Xbox marketing executive anyway. Harvey Eagle, the UK marketing boss for Xbox, claims the launch of Microsoft-exclusive Titanfall game in March was a momentum changer for the console, after the PS4 jumped out to an early sales lead. “The change started to happen when Titanfall was released in March, it’s been a hugely successful title and the start of what I believe to be is the momentum shift,” he told CVG. He says the steady improvements over the last 12 months have helped the Xbox One battle back after a disastrous build-up to launch and a hammering from Sony in the battle for hearts and minds.

Xbox One has overcome major challenges in the past 12 tumultuous months, according to one of Microsoft’s key UK executives, but the team knows more work needs to be done. Though the next-gen console was mired in controversy during the build-up to its launch, a wholesale transformation of the product (and the people behind it) has led to what Xbox UK marketing boss Harvey Eagle is describing as a “momentum shift”. “The change started to happen when Titanall was released in March, it’s been a hugely successful title and the start of what I believe to be is the momentum shift,” Eagle told CVG. Enumerating the improvements to Xbox since last year, Eagle mentioned the new Kinectless SKU, the lower price-point for premium models, theenhanced Games with Gold service and the continual firmware updates that introduce new features such as games in snapped columns and enhanced Achievement support. “It’s the cumulative effect of all those things over a period of time that has seen this momentum shift for us,” Eagle added. “There’s still work to do to increase sales,” he continued. “The momentum shift is something to be encouraged by, but certainly there’s more work to be done.

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