More Proof: Duct Tape Can Do Anything


After forking out upwards of $500 for an iPad, your wallet might harbour some resentment towards you, so when it comes to stocking up on accessories there’s at least one that might offer a little cash relief.

Frank Hsueh is clearly a man’s man, and as such understands that shelling out upwards of $45 for an iPad case is just for rich suckers. With duct tape already filling so many niches in society, it was only a matter of time before someone used it to make an iPad case, so kudos to Frank.

frankhsueh10As if this manly stroke of genius were not enough, Frank goes one step further. Having used up an entire roll of duct tape to make an iPad case, what better use for the empty roll than to serve as a stand for said iPad? salutes you Frank, you manly man amongst nerds.

Source: TUAW


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