MySpace is Losing Traffic Faster than Anyone Expected

MySpace Traffic

We all know that MySpace is going down quickly. Apparently, as Techcrunch is reporting, it’s going down faster than anyone expected.

What’s the future? News Corp is trying to sell them, but who will really take a dying site seriously? Will their social media efforts such as implementation with Facebook and Digg campaigns help to slow the bleeding long enough to for News Corp to get a decent price? Will they continue to go towards entertainment or are they going to switch gears again? Will they still be around at all in 2012?

We’ll know soon enough.


  1. I remember starting out on myspace years ago.. I never felt it had what it took to stick around however. The social web is just to big now and they myspace just doesn’t have what it takes to make it.

  2. Does that mean with less traffic the site is actually functional and usable?

    It is a great concept and was okay until the kiddies took over!

    It is still a great way to stay in touch with family and friends, but worthless when pages take minutes to load….or never load.


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