New Animated Film Takes Design to the Next Level

Andreas Hykade, the director of short films such as The Runt and Ring of Fire, has another film slated to be shown at the Cannes Film Festival this year.

The film entitled Love & Theft marks a new direction for Hykade, this is a pure experimentation in animation and design as images loop and distort fluidly into each other. The whole film is set to a thumping, grinding soundtrack almost as hypnotic as the visuals. The film never stops moving as we are taken on a psychedelic journey through animation references and even other filmmakers make an appearance in the loops.

It is one film that art and design buffs wont want to miss but here is the disclaimer: It’s ridiculously hypnotic so I don’t recommend watching while under the influence of anything.

Source: CartoonBrew, CoilHouse


  1. that just made the little illustrator in me cry. that is some awesome work; it reminds me of the work mtv used to do… i miss those days. =]


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