Nextbit’s cloud-first smartphone will support all major carriers

When Nextbit unveiled Robin, the company’s first smartphone and the world’s first cloud-first mobile device, potential customers in the United States were upset that the smartphone would be exclusive to AT&T and T-Mobile. Nextbit heard these complaints and decided to unveil a CDMA version of the smartphone that supports Verizon networks, and just a few days after making that announcement, the company decided to make the CDMA version compatible with Sprint networks as well. This means that Robin will support all four of America’s major wireless carriers. 

There were far more Robin true believers using Sprint than we knew about. After last week’s announcement, so many people spoke up asking for Sprint support. We listened. As of today, what used to be the Verizon version will now support Sprint too, so we’re renaming it the CDMA version. All backers who have selected a reward level that includes a phone will be able to choose a GSM (for AT&T and TMobile networks. Also best choice for international users including Canada) or CDMA (for Verizon and Sprint networks) versions in their survey at the end of the Kickstarter campaign. By now you all know what you’ll get with your Robin – but you’ve only read a list. It’s time to show you everything. We’ve been working with our partners to bring you a set of accessories as well designed as Robin, so it took some time. Here they are – the quick charger, charging cable, and SIM eject pin. Thanks for believing in us. Your support has been incredible. $1.25 Million is just around the corner. See you all there!

NOTE: TECHi Two-Takes are the stories we have chosen from the web along with little bit of our opinion in a paragraph. Please check the original story in the Source Button below.


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