No More Gunking Your Screen With Your Filthy, Filthy Hands While You Text

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One of the deciding factors that made me go Blackberry instead of picking up an iPhone 4 was the tactile keyboard. I’m sorry, but there’s just no replacement for real buttons. I don’t care how swiftly you tapdance around that onscreen keyboard – the fact remains that it’s a f***ing screen.

But maybe if I’d held out just a little longer, I could have gotten the tall glass of water in the iPhone desert that is this wicked rad flip out keyboard from ThinkGeek.

The TK-421 (catchy name, guys) needs no explanation, so I won’t insult you by giving you one. Just bask in its rad, maybe put on a little music. It’s Bluetooth (rather than connecting to the dock port), and uses its own battery, which can be charged USB-style.

The only gripe I have is that one’s camera suddenly becomes a gigantic hassle, what with this keyboard in the way and all. I guess you can’t win ’em all. If you really, really need a tactile keyboard, you’d be hard pressed to find something better.

EDIT: Aaaand, they’re sold out. Looks like you’ll have to tap your screen some more while you wait.


  1. TK-421 was the designation of one of the stormtroopers who lost their armour to Han Solo and Luke Skywalker in the original Star Wars. “TK-421, why aren’t you at your post?” ring any bells? 😉

    Of course, if you were saying that the name needs no explanation, then I completely missed the point and my comment is rather superfluous….


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