With new technology, there’s always that awkward stage just before widespread acceptance and genuine innovation kicks in.
OLED screens are, apparently, in that stage right now. UK OLED company LOMOX has patented OLED wallpaper, intended to create ambient light rather than direct light like it’s bulb-based counterparts.
Aside from being more energy efficient, always a plus in these eco-friendly times, the wallpaper offers the advantage of working with the design of the room, and the option of switching colours at the flick of a switch.
While Mother Earth might breathe a sigh of relief, DIY fanatics will no doubt be tearing their hair out at the prospect of 21st century redecorating.
LOMOX received a grant of £454,000 from the Carbon Trust to develop the technology further, particularly in the area of extending the life of OLED screens.
Source: Ubergizmo