Palm Pixi, Pre Plus Coming to an ATT Near You


Palm, the company behind Web OS, is currently suffering; however, just released news about the Palm Pre Plus and Pixi Plus heading to AT&T customers might reduce the pain a bit. The Palm Pre Plus and Palm Pixi Plus are now going to be available to virtually anyone who wants one, but there is doubt that AT&T will heavily advertise Palm’s hardware over Apple’s iPhone.

Palm has been battling for its life after sales of the Pre and Pixi have failed to bring in the big numbers that the company expected. Most place the blame in hardware design — not software — as the main culprit for such poor performance.

While getting their phones on AT&T was necessary, it still doesn’t inspire. Palm needs a new plan of attack, and — even though Web OS is excellent — perhaps moving to the Android OS is the last option.

In the end, this isn’t going to be a miracle solution to Palm’s problems.

You can read more about Palm’s plans for AT&T on their official blog.


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