Palm Up For Sale After Marketing Efforts Fail


Palm, one of the pioneers in PDA and smart phone technology, might be calling it quits after reports state that the company is seeking buyers. It will be sad to see the company go, but when you hire an advertising agency that does more to scare potential customers instead of generating interest, its to be expected that things might not go too well.

Palm has a long history, and it would be sad to see them go, especially with such a great platform. The webOS platform really only lacks the excellent hardware and third-party support needed to make it a huge hit. (Oh, and the advertising, again, was horrid.)

palm ad

Regardless, if the rumors are true, many companies could be taking a nice long look at Palm to see if they are worth the investment. Google might be interested in throwing money at the company, but considering how well Android is doing already, it seems unnecessary. HTC is reported to be in talks with Palm, and purchasing webOS could open the door for HTC to develop its own platform to go with its excellent hardware. Others could end up with a solid base to build their future on (hey, RIM, we’re talking about you).

However, any company that purchases Palm and its properties could be getting a great value, if they are willing to take a risk and build upon what the company has already built.

As reported by Reuters



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