Home Internet Re/code is about to be acquired by Vox Media

Re/code is about to be acquired by Vox Media


If you keep up with technology news even a little bit, then there’s a good chance that you’ve come across an article or two from Re/code. While it’s an excellent website, and despite being led by two veteran journalists, the website has n’t been able to reach as wide of an audience as it wants. Ever since it split off from the Wall Street Journal over a year ago, Re/code has struggled to build a large user base, but that struggle may soon be over, as the website has announced that it has been acquired by Vox Media.

ReCode, the news website led by the veteran journalists Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher, is being acquired by Vox Media, a deal that reflects the turmoil among digital organizations focused on covering the tech industry. The all-stock deal, financial terms of which were not disclosed, will give ReCode access to a wider audience, something it has struggled to build since the site split off from The Wall Street Journal about a year and a half ago. Both plan to stay with ReCode after the merger. The purchase of ReCode, which was announced by the companies on Tuesday, is just the latest significant move involving a digital media start-up in the past few months. In March, Gigaom, which had been one of the early sites dedicated to coverage of Silicon Valley, abruptly closed after nine years because of financial problems. (It said Tuesday that it planned to restart in August after being acquired by the start-up Knowingly Corp.) Circa, a news aggregation start-up, is trying to sell itself to a larger media organization after failing to raise more venture capital, according to two people familiar with internal matters, though recent talks with companies like Twitter have fizzled. And Pando, another technology blog, has struggled to attract a large following despite a splashy introduction announcing prominent writers.


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