The Samsung Smart Home platform, announced at the 2014 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, has started its global rollout and will first be made available in Korea, followed by the US, with other countries to follow. The platform enables users to easily manage their connected appliances and devices, including TVs and washing machines, from a single app as long as they are on the same Wi-Fi network.
Samsung took the wraps off its Smart Home service at CES in January this year, and today it is rolling out the service in Korea and the US. More countries will be added throughout the year. Samsung Smart Home ties together smart TVs and home appliances to a smartphone so you can control devices simultaneously via an app. For example, a user can say “good night” to the TV remote control, and other connected devices within the home such as the Smart Bulb and air-conditioners could be set up to automatically switch off. The app also allows you to check the status of home appliances when you’re outside. For example, you can control the washer and select settings for the laundry to be ready just when you reach your doorstep.
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