It does look as though T-Mobile will be introducing a new service that they have called theUnderground which will target tech enthusiasts. The Underground is not meant for the masses as its name suggests, as it will train its proverbial crosshairs on “true enthusiasts” through its “limited-stock devices and accessories”, at least according to T-Mobile via a Google+ post. At the moment, if you were to drop by the T-Mobile Underground portal, you would be able to check out the gold version of the Samsung Galaxy S5, in addition to a bunch of wearable technology from Samsung such as the Samsung Gear 2 Gold, Samsung Gear Fit and the Jawbone UP24 fitness band.
It seems like T-Mobile is quietly launching a new service called the Underground that’s geared at tech enthusiasts. As the name implies, the Underground isn’t for the general public and is targeted at “true enthusiasts” with “limited-stock devices and accessories,” the carrier said in a Google+ post. Right now, visiting the T-Mobile Underground portal brings up the gold edition of Samsung’s popular Galaxy S5 flagship smartphone. In addition to the gold-hued device, Samsung’s Gear wearables and Jawbone’s UP24 fitness band were also featured, but no other phones or accessories are currently up for sale through the Underground. When you click to shop in the Underground portal, you’ll be taken back to T-Mobile’s regular website to complete your transaction. At least it looks like at this time, what is available in the Underground is available through T-Mobile’s normal online store. T-Mobile advises that users “buckle up & check your factory-standard devices at the door” when visiting the portal.
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