
Internet addiction is real and you’re probably experiencing it right now

If you're reading this now on and you don't believe that internet addiction isn't real, chances are you're in denial....
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Technology has advanced dramatically since the days of the Baby Boomers so much so, that all of our history’s milestones...
Has Western culture grown too attached to their social networks? It's possible, according to a recent study led by Wilhelm...
The worm has turned, gentlemen. A Hawaii man has sued developer NC Interactive over his addiction to the computer game...
The current generation of children, destined for a life of rickets and obesity due to lack of sunlight or exercise,...
My entire life revolves around the internet. Between writing for Techi, interfacing with design clients, talking to friends, and gaming,...
Researchers at the University of Maryland asked 200 students to put down their cell phones, iPods, Facebook, Twitter and all...