New Concept Helps Us Manage Our Sad Internet Addictions in Style


My entire life revolves around the internet. Between writing for Techi, interfacing with design clients, talking to friends, and gaming, there is almost not a moment of my life that doesn’t take place online.

I have GOT to get me one of these.

The Reconnect concept by Lars Rosengren is a genius little device. A diagnosed or suspected internet addict (read: you) can strap it onto his or her wrist, and the device helps monitor your social networking activities while periodically reminding you of your real-life priorities, and offering helpful suggestions. On the one hand, it’s sad that we as a people now require such a device. On the other hand, it’s comforting to know that someone’s doing something about it.

Hang on a sec, I just gotta check Facebook real quick.


[Reconnect, via Ubergizmo]


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