Google+ becomes the fastest growing social network
Since its launch in late June, Google+ has attracted 25 million unique global visitors. That ascent has far outpaced the growth of MySpace, Twitter, and Facebook, prompting many observers to wonder if Google’s new social network will eventually overtake Facebook in popularity.
Although the unique visitor count slowed at the end of July, the network’s global adoption of has been steadier. The biggest growth for Google+ has been seen in the United States, followed by India and Canada.
“Visitors is technically what ComScore reports,” explained ComScore analyst Andrew Lipsman. “If someone goes to the URL, they are a ‘visitor’ but not necessarily logged in as a ‘user.’ For all intents and purposes, users and visitors should be pretty close. For example, our reporting of visitors for Facebook matches up very closely to their ‘active user’ counts.”
Other metrics released this week by ComScore include demographics data. Not surprisingly, the social network skews highly male and towards the 18-34 range. Additionally, Google’s Chrome has more than twice the Google+ penetration of any other browser, which could also hint at the “tech-savviness” of the average Google+ user.
These figures also don’t take into account mobile apps either. Google recently released a Google+ app for the iPhone on July 19, and also just launched an update to its Android app. These updates are explained by Google+ Mobile Lead Product Manager Punit Soni below: