The Death of the Shopping Cart
The thing that truly sparked the initial growth of eCommerce has become the greatest point of abandonment on sites that try to sell us stuff. The online shopping cart – a once cool and integral part of the retail end of the Internet – has devolved over the years to cause many to walk away from shopping from their computer.
What happened?
“What didn’t happen” is the better question. It hasn’t changed. What once made things easier has failed to improve in functionality and ease and as a result, more people “bail” from the shopping cart page than any other on retail websites. People find products, prepare to buy, then leave at the last moment.
Social media has been the primary culprit. It’s not the replacement issue (even though Facebook eCommerce is on its way) or the time-drain factor. It’s the mindset. Logging in, joining various sites, and participation have been streamlined through social media integration into many sites. You no longer have to fill out long forms or answer questions about your mother’s maiden name to participate.
Shopping carts are just as challenging today as they were from the beginning.
This infographic by our friends at Kissmetrics takes a look at where the challenges are as well as offers advice on how to fix it. Click to enlarge.