social networking

A case for Facebook premium

There are terrible words about to be posted on this page, but don't turn away yet. There's a reason that...
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No harm, no foul, lesson learned, you're data is safe. That's the message that Facebook gave its users with a...
One of the biggest old-school truths that is obsolete today is the idea that you should follow everyone on Twitter...
We all knew that astrophysicist Neil deGrass Tyson was an intelligent and witty man of science, an advocate for space...
The best that could have happened in tech blogging would have been for Facebook's IPO to "pop". We still would...
For the first time in 40 months, gaming has a partner at the top of the charts for time spent...
When it comes to social networking and search, the two big internet activities are dominated by the 800 lb gorilla...
The hashtag has become a symbol of sentiment in a society where the people are often so connected virtually to...
With many in social media declaring Google+ as a valiant effort that simply came too late to the game to...
LinkedIn and Facebook may have the market cornered for building relationships between business professionals, many startups are starting to pop...
They just passed 62 million users by adding 625,000 new users per day. Now, Google+ is predicting that they will...
Social networking really started with teens on MySpace. Since then, it has progressed to the rest of the world. MySpace...