8 must-have tools for traveling freelancers
When you get started in the freelance world, it’s not always as easy as it looks. You need a lot of organization, motivation, and self-discipline.
Reshaping future with Disruptive Technologies
When you get started in the freelance world, it’s not always as easy as it looks. You need a lot of organization, motivation, and self-discipline.
It isn’t about the money. While salary is one of the factors in keeping employees and arguably the most important component in hiring them, a recent study by Salesforce says otherwise.
In their infographic titled How to Motivate Employees, Salesforce Rypple breaks down some of the other factors that go into keeping workers happy. As with many of the things that are happening in the world, it’s clear from the graphic that software for tracking engagement may be a necessity in keeping employees fully-motivated.
Click to enlarge.
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“Happy Employees” image courtesy of Shutterstock.
There are some top dogs in various industries that have incorporated social media into their business plans. Many of you may already be aware of this and interact with some of them within your online networks. However, some companies still haven’t accepted that employees are also going to use social sites while at work and have yet to create a social media policy.
Technology is changing the way that everything happens in business. How we work, where we work, even why we work has been enhanced by the amazing rate of technological advancements over the last few years. Working today is very different from the way most of us worked 5 years ago and 5 years from now things will be even more divergent from what we see now.
That’s the premise behind this interview as Ford’s Scott Monty discusses with Rypple about the way the future of work will go from his perspective. Ford has been a trendsetter in the automotive industry when it comes to social adaption in their communication with the outside world and they are practicing the same basic principles internally as well.
The thing that most people fear when they have mobile employees is the productivity level. As humans, the common belief is that we’re more productive when people are standing over our shoulders. In this world of mobile connectivity with devices that can do almost anything we need them to do from outside the office, atmospheres have changed and many consider themselves more productive when away from the cubicle.
Is it true? Is it wishful thinking to believe that working from home or while traveling avails us to more efficient working? Some would argue that there are more distractions away from the office. Others would say that the convenience of not having to get dressed up and commute back and forth to and from work makes it clear that mobile rocks.
Below is a portion of an infographic that Gist made about mobile workers in general. Check it out and understand that in the current business atmosphere where fewer people are going into the office everyday, the concept of office work is being redefined. Click to see the entire infographic.