Technological advancements from the global pitch

Every once in a while technology converges with reality in such a way that it doesn’t seem as though it can possibly be real.  That’s the case with the 2014 FIFA World Cup, where the ceremonial first kickoff was made by a Brazilian paraplegic wearing a bionic suit.  This suit was battery powered and hydraulic, featuring a 3-D printed headpiece and sensors in the shoes.  But what makes this contraption truly spectacular is that is controlled by the wearer’s mind.  Sensors took readings of neural activity in the wearer’s brain and transmit them to the suit.

That made the first three seconds of the World Cup a game changer, but it is by no means the only technological advance that will be showcased at the tournament.  The lighting has been enhanced to create a better environment for the high definition broadcasts that will transmit the game to nearly half of the world’s population.  The Adidas ball being used in the games is the most technologically advanced in history.

Additionally, there will be a new type of sensor net used that will help refs make better calls.  High speed cameras and sensors will be used to determine whether a goal is good, and that data will be transmitted directly to the refs’ watches.  Check out this infographic for more.


Infographic image courtesy of IEEE


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