The iPhone Revolver – This Will Only End In Tears

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Oh, for the love of–

Well, this is cute. Seems juniortan of Thingiverse has decided it’s a good idea for us to start carrying our iPhones around inside gun-shaped cases. Using a 3D printer, Tan has replicated a Ruger LCR that fits your iPhone and, from a reasonable distance, looks too authentic not to get you accidentally gunned down in the middle of the street. Tan has posted the necessary files for anyone with access to a 3D printer to go nuts and build their own, but for crap’s sake, people, can we please be careful, here? I know I usually champion over-manly tech accessories, but this is getting out of hand.

‘Answer calls with a really nasty look on your face,’ Tan instructs us sarcastically. As much as I appreciate the humor, dude, I really, really don’t want anyone to think I’m packing heat and beat me to the draw. I just can’t see that not happening.

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[iPhone Revolver, Via Slashgear]


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