The most annoying iOS 7 bug lets anyone make calls from locked iPhones

Steve Jobs had an attention to detail that was legendary. One might wonder whether the plethora of bugs being discovered in iOS 7 would have passed through Jobs’ scrutiny. This latest bug is an annoying one and may be here to stay for a while.

Apple has yet to fix one nasty bug in the lockscreen of iOS 7, and the next one has already appeared.

On Friday, Karam Daoud, a 27-year old Palestinian living in the West Bank city of Ramallah, sent me the video above, showing how he’s able to make a call to any number from a locked iPhone running iOS 7 by exploiting a vulnerability in its emergency calling function. The trick includes international calls and calls to premium numbers, is simple enough that any phone thief could easily take advantage of it, and unlike the first bug revealed in the iOS 7 lockscreen Thursday, there doesn’t seem to be any immediate fix for users.

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