The Ultimate iPad Review Roundup

the ipad

You’re one of the millions who is intrigued by the iPad, right?

Well, we wanted to help you out, so here is a roundup of some of the most reputable reviews of the iPad.

PCMag gave the iPad a 4.5 out 5 and is — overall — impressed:

I’m curious to see who actually buys the iPad, apart from Apple enthusiasts. But I can tell you that when my laptop eventually dies, I’ll be getting one.

USAToday (Edward Baig) acknowledges that it isn’t perfect, but it is worth it:

Apple has pretty much nailed it with this first iPad, though there’s certainly room for improvement. Nearly three years after making a splash with the iPhone, Apple has delivered another impressive product that largely lives up to the hype.

New York Times (David Pogue) loves it, but advises that it isn’t for everyone:

And the techies are right about another thing: the iPad is not a laptop. It’s not nearly as good for creating stuff. On the other hand, it’s infinitely more convenient for consuming it — books, music, video, photos, Web, e-mail and so on.

Houston Chronicle (Dwight Silverman) is very impressed:

It turns out the iPad isn’t as much a laptop replacement as I thought (though it could easily be used as one). Instead, it’s an entirely new category of mobile device.

Wall Street Journal (Walter Mossberg) is impressed, but notes some minor annoyances:

All in all, however, the iPad is an advance in making more-sophisticated computing possible via a simple touch interface on a slender, light device. Only time will tell if it’s a real challenger to the laptop and netbook.

BoingBoing (Xeni Jardin) wants to wait for third-parties for a definitive judgment:

I like it a lot. But it’s the things I never knew it made possible — to be revealed or not in the coming months — that will determine whether I love it.

The general consensus is that the iPad is a great product. There are some mentions of minor issues, but those were to be expected for a first-generation product. That said, we think Apple has a real winner here, and earning the thumbs up from the big boys in the tech industry certainly helps.


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