A London restaurant is ditching the traditional bill at the end of a meal and is asking customers to simply photograph their food to pay for it. In the stunt by Birds Eye, diners are encouraged to photograph their meals and share them online. Instead of paying with cash, customers have to settle the bill with an Instagram photograph using the hashtag #BirdsEyeInspirations. The pop-up diner has been set up after research reveals that more than half of Britons regularly take photos of their meals.
Consumers are finally getting something in return for their contribution to earned media. Frozen vegetable brand Birds Eye has launched a pop-up store in London that lets diners pay for their food by taking a picture of it. The Picture House serves Fish Chargrills and Chicken Inspirations, two new items from the brand. Instagram what’s on your plate and add #BirdsEyeInspirations and you get a free meal. In addition, diners will get tutorials from Marie Marte, who is known for her food photography on Instagram. Though a free meal is a better prize, Birds Eye isn’t the first marketer to use Instagram as payment. Kellogg’s Special K carried out a similar stunt last year in Stockholm. New York restaurant Comodo also began offering an Instagram menu in 2012.