Totally Rad Steampunk Phones For the Oldschool Gentleman

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I was going to ask you if you enjoy rad things, but I know you. You’re a tech blog-surfing, web-savvy, geek-chic internet all-star. I don’t need to ask stupid questions. Let’s just move on.

Speaking of things which identify as rad, check this out. Or, like, don’t, whatever, but your Thursday will be less rad if you don’t rad it up with this.

Designer Ivan Mavrovic doesn’t dick around when it comes to steampunking anything and everything in his world. Frankly, as far as steampunk artists go, he’s possibly one of the most adept I’ve ever seen, the list of reasons including but not limited to the fact that what you’re about to see (or are probably already looking at) are fully-functional devices.

Seriously, this is a working Nokia 2330. Talk about sexy casemods. There’s nothing I can say that can’t be said in pictures, so I’ll just let you gawk for awhile.

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And his skill isn’t limited to a single phone, oh no. Ivan’s been steampunking Nokias all over this bitch. Here’s a couple more!

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Congratulations. Your Thursday is rad.



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