Advertising Agency Dishes on iAd Visit From Apple Reps

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A couple of people from Apple displayed the new platform in person at the Hill Holliday agency in Boston, and Ilya Vedrashko blogged the experience. Just some of the interesting things they stated over and above Job’s presentation last week:

“Each banner published on the network will carry an iAd logo to differentiate it from the ads that do click into the browser”,  stated Ilya. In addition, there will be only one iAd banner per screen on each app, making the iAd real estate both less intrusive and more exclusive.

iAd SDK on the Horizon
To start with, the iAds will be built in-house by Apple in HTML5. Once all of the bugs are sorted out, they will be releasing an iAd SDK to allow iAd development.

Quality Ads to Start
Apple is looking for high quality creative only for the June launch, meaning no spammy ads.

Pricing and Targeting
While they couldn’t yet comment on actual pricing or targeting, Vedrashko described the pricing scheme as “elegant” and hints that his firm’s previous blog posting on iAd targeting was almost spot-on. Another colleague at Hill Halliday stated that “Apple Doesn’t Do Cheap”, confirming what we already knew, that the pricing isn’t going to be bargain basement.

Source: Hill Holliday Blog


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