The problem with streaming music through YouTube has always been the fact that you have to stream an entire video, rather than just an audio track, which means you’re consuming a lot more data. This problem is more noticeable on mobile devices, especially for YouTube Music Key users that download videos to their smartphone for offline playback. Fortunately, there may be a new feature rolling out in the new future that will allow users to download just the audio track of a video for offline playback.
YouTube is one of the apps that received an update in the last week. In particular, the YouTube app for mobile devices. One of the big headline points of the update was the ability for a user to pause their watch history. In short, stop YouTube from registering what you are currently watching and recommending similar content on the main screen. Sort of like an incognito YouTube mode. Well, that update saw YouTube being brought up to 10.18. However, it now seems the next incremental update is already available, bringing the app up to version 10.19 and this one seems to come with some minor feature upgrades and one very interesting possible future feature. The first notable feature is what seems to be a permanently stationed cast button. While, in the past, the cast button would only display when a cast(able) device was nearby, it now seems the button is permanently active and displayed, regardless of whether casting. In fact, it appears on virtually all screens of the app. The next notable feature to be included is a slight refinement of how privacy settings are displayed for uploaded content. In short, when you upload content to YouTube, the option to either share publicly, unlisted or privately have all been made to look a little more refined. Nothing major here, but instead, just an aesthetic improvement.