It’s hard to imagine a world without the internet for those in their 20s. It’s been with us as a common entity for 2 decades now and the evolution has been stunning. When you compare websites now to those in 1998, one thing is clear – we’ve come a long way.
This infographic by our friends at KissMetrics breaks down the history, short as it may be, of the driving force behind the visual aspects of the web. From text-based sites through to current standards and emerging technologies, the science and art of web design are a case study in progress.
What will the next decade bring? Will we still be “surfing the web” on devices or will they deliver a new internet through other means? Can you imagine this web page being transmitted directly to your brain? Don’t laugh – it could happen someday in the near future.
Click to enlarge.
A look back at 20 years of web design

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Good old memories!
Great blog
Its very nice article.The whole information is described in detailed from begging to end.The evolution of the web design provides the very well information.Keep sharing with us.
Great evolution chart!
Well written article.I will appreciate your writing skills.its great.I like this article.Its an interesting article. I enjoy at the time of reading this article .Its really a great evolution chart.Thanks for sharing this Informative article with us.Its great.Keep it up.
I did know the history of web design. Here is a nice explanation about the history of web design. It is really an interesting article.
Very nice article.Its very interesting.I really enjoyed by reading this article.Thanks for sharing this.
really looking on more of a backgrounder to pick up the softer skills in the design palate,
Well,it’s great to have getting knowledge about SEO.I really appreciate your writing skill & very informative article.I hope in future you will publish such articles again this blog.
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Nothing can catch up with the development speed of Internet industry over recent 20 yeaers!
After seeing this article i realized how dynamic the web design is. Seems like no ending it’s always changing.
Nice infographic! Bookmarked
Thats really amazing to know about the history of web design and its importance.It looks amazing and startled at the web design apps and tools before 20 years and the present web design technology.Thanks for ur great info.
Great infographic…I liked it very much.
The infographic is really cool. Dugg it!
Its very nice article.The whole information is described in detailed from begging to end.The evolution of the web design provides the very well information.Keep sharing with us.
This post completely explained the history and prominence of the website design.These days, it was made much more easier with the best advanced tools and designs.