Be Heard, Look Dumb

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Some of the great ideas are just right there, waiting to be plucked from the tree of genius. UK designer Elaine McLuskey has an answer to the problem of holding a conversation in a noisy bar.

We’ve all been there. You settle down in a booth with that special someone, hoping to get some quality time in, and just then the awful bar band fires up their rendition of Sweet Home Alabama.

The answer? You both don goldfish bowls and speak directly into the holes on the sides. 23 year old McLuskey says this is the result of research into hearing impairment, although I’d recommend a little additional R & D time on social norms and public humiliation.

McLuskey’s design comes in two versions, neither of which will ever be used by actual human beings; a table top version and the wearable goldfish bowls. McLuskey remains optimistic, saying she hoped the design creates a little buzz.

“I hope the very noticeable and eccentric appearance starts people talking about hearing impairments.”

This seems less likely than people sticking with the traditional response to this problem, throwing beer bottles at the band until they leave the stage.

Source: BBC


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