Behind-The-Scenes with OK GO’s Ridiculously Intricate Music Video

okgointeractivefloorplanIf you’re familiar with a thing called the Internet, doubtlessly you’ve recently bore witness to indie darlings OK GO and they’re latest insanely-choreographed music video.

Y’know, the one with the Rube Goldberg Machine? If you haven’t yet, go watch it. Here, I linked it for you. No, really, go ahead. I’ll wait.


Cool (read: head-explodingly badass), right? Well, even cooler is that the band have now posted an interactive floorplan of the machine’s design on their website, and inquiring minds can take an interactive tour of the product of no doubt thousands of manhours.

And here I always thought that Mouse Trap boardgame was a pain in the ass to set up.

[Via MAKE]


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