Apple is good at many things revolving around technology, but many would say that the key to their tremendous success is the way they do their marketing. They have created a brand that exudes pride amongst its users, a subculture that is both coveted and reviled by the different sections of the masses. Just look at how they do their emails – love it or hate it, they work.
This breakdown by our friends at Flowtown puts it all into perspective for us. Every element is done for a purpose. Every detail is precise. There are no questions about how or why they do it. These emails work. In a world where so many fail at email marketing, Apple seems to shine over the competition…
… as they seem to do in many areas.
Flowtown – Social Media Marketing Application
Breaking Down The Infamous Apple Email Style
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What many areas do they excel at? Nothing that isn’t in some way iPod related.
really? so the reason that every design direction and computing concept they release is immediately copied (poorly) by the entire tech industry as well as numerous others leads you to that statement?
“many would say” is a weasel-phrase. Please state your thesis clearly. Do you believe the key to Apple’s success is in marketing?
While Apple’s outbound Marketing is excellent, it is really putting the cart before the horse to credit it with their success.
Product design, user interface, end to end experience management. If you want to call that Marketing, its on the “Inbound” side. Of course, Apple typically is ahead of the Market, so it is probably misleading to call that inbound marketing.
That’s pretty interesting ..
The amazingly ironic thing about Apple emails are that they are effective but not intelligently designed for all email clients. I design email promotions for a living and I can tell you that there are certain tricks (ie. hotmail hacks, bg issues) that apple doesn’t use that makes their html designs look like amateur hour.
Agree 100% with Keith. Marketing only exists to help people sell stuff and reach customers. Steve Jobs had a ‘computer’ idea before he had a ’email style’ idea. You could send this email out plain text with a simple list of links to the ipod, nano, iphone, imac, ipad, apple’d still sell.
If companies invested as much time in genuine product innovation that solves a customer need (as Apple clearly do) and less time looking for quick fix solutions to sell more of an average product then they’d make real progress.
So much content available online about best practice, quick fixes, tips, stops many of us investing proper thinking time in solutions that are really of value to customers. Customers don’t buy marketing, they buy products/benefits…that the bit that Apple does well
Uh, how is this unique. Aren’t all newsletters formatted like this, with featured products and call to actions?
They are actually quite good at marketing. Their advertising is top notch and they maintain a high reputation. They even manage to turn problems into features.
How very postmodern of you.
Apple Products, they simply develop a brand and create a hype through marketing, keep releasing latest and improved versions after certain time to attract new business and this is what makes people to remain anxious about Whats Coming Next???