Futuristic Wheelchair Concept Is Ballsy In More Than Just Design

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Given the number of people who use wheelchairs and the importance of them in their lives, it’s a shame that we have seen little in the way of innovation in the field, whether in design, comfort or features.

This futuristic concept, however, looks to change that. First, by using a rear ball, it greatly increases maneuverability. The use of shocks and hubless wheels also adds to the comfort, which unbeknown to many is a serious problem with contemporary wheelchairs. It also uses a teardrop design on the seat to make it more ergonomic and comfortable.

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The geek coup-de-grace though? The chair can be controlled using the touch screen interface of the iPhone, which can be mounted on a flexible stand and used to direct the chair, even remotely. On top of all this, the design is just plain badass.

With so many design concepts focused on the abstract and unrealistic, it makes for a refreshing change to see designers take on such practical and necessary concerns.

[Source: The Design Blog]



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