Ghetto Blaster Necklace Watch is Functional, Retro-tastic

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The funny thing about tech geeks is that, while most of the time we’re all about the latest and greatest, we also occasionally love us some retro nostalgia.

Whether pixelated images of Sonic the Hedgehog or the bleeps of an Apple II, we like to look back on the technology and style of the past.

And when it comes to the retro-tastic, it’s hard not to respect this ghetto blaster necklace watch from Caliroots. Not only does it recall a time when people would walk down the street blasting Grandmaster Flash on their boomboxes, it also reminds us of the trend for wearing big, fat chains.

On top of it all, the clocks on the ‘speakers’ of this ghetto blaster are functioning timepieces that allow you to keep track of two timezones – so, ya’ know, your crew in Atlanta and your, um, dope friends in NYC.

That’s how cool kids talk these days, right? Do kids still say that word? “Cool”?…

[Source: Geek Sugar]


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