Google connects you further with Google+ Communities

Google+ has recently announced another new feature it has added to its social platform called Google+ Communities. This latest feature is to try and connect its users even further and to emulate real-life interactions as much as possible. With the site having 500 million people upgraded and 235 million are active across the Google platform with 135 million being active in the Google+ stream only; they are claiming to be the fastest growing network. As many of Google+ users are familiar with their most popular feature, Google Hangouts, which happens to be one of its features that stray them from being like all other social networks, Google+ wants to hone in on the ability of real-interactions even further, hence why they have begun rolling out Google+ Communities. Google’s intentions with Google+ Communities are for its users to have hubs for their shared interests and passions, something they admit has been lacking and is why they are looking to rectify this by implementing a feature that further brings us together, and nothing will more than enabling users to join together on topics they are like-minded about. Google+ Communities will allow users to create a community for their favorite TV shows, hobbies, and anything you deem interesting that can be either private or public. This latest feature will help you expand your network, meet new people who share the same interests as you and provide you the option to share even further within a hangout.
  • Public or private membership to support all kinds of groups—from topics and interests to local neighborhoods to regular poker nights
  • Discussion categories to find the conversations you care about most
  • The option to start hangouts and plan events with community members
  • The ability to share with your community from any +1 button across the web
Build a community for Foodies, Sports fans, Geek Culture and anything else that you want to share with others what you love. Your ability to access Google+ Communities is located on the right-hand side tool bar and is a green circle, which by the way will allow you to share to your communities when posting to G+ if you choose without having to be inside the community. I would +1 that! Do you think Google+ Communities will help others begin enjoying this social site further?

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Erin Ryan
Erin Ryan
Erin Ryan is a writer for various Social Media & Tech blogs and currently works as the Director of Social Media for the Internet Marketing Company, Wikimotive. Erin has a keen understanding of the power of Social Media for business and fervently stays up-to-date. Creator and head editor of Socialeyezer She enjoys finding the latest in social media, tech and geek culture. Erin often expresses her thoughts and opinions on TheErinRyan. Connect through Erin Ryan's Profile .


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