There was a time when it was trendy to be a switcher, but it’s old news these days. Unless a huge organization like Google announces it is trying to limit the amount of new Windows installations within its company walls.
After the Chinese hacking incident in January Google is tightening up security in a number of areas, one of which is the operating system of choice. New hires are now offered the choice of either Mac or Linux, with any request to use a Windows system having to be cleared through the company’s Chief Information Officer.
Google’s announcement is sure to shake up the security debate again, which has quietened down recently. Windows 7 has so far been a solid performer, and more people are coming to understand that computer security isn’t really about the logo on your computer’s startup screen.
There may be an ulterior motive for Google to make a big hullabaloo about switching away from Windows though. Recently the company has stepped up its campaign to try to get customers to drop Microsoft’s Office software in favor of its Google Apps suite. This seems like a great way to drop a subtle hint to customers that they might be more secure if they too switched.
Some Google personnel were displeased to have their choice limited, but one employee hinted that more people would have been angered if it had been Mac OS or Linux that was being phased out.
As reported by Reuters
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