HOLO Makes Multi Touch Look Out Of Touch

HOLOXL000389484 thumb 381x550 38723Don’t be confused by the picture, HOLO 2.0 is more than a child’s plastic bracelet with some iPhone Skype screen shots pasted above it.

In the eight years since its release, people have been using the computer interface in Minority Report as the milestone for the next level of computer interaction, but now that Multi Touch is widespread, what’s next on the horizon?

HOLO 2.0 is the brainchild of a group of Indian designers, and as you might have guessed, focuses on holographic technology.

Assuming the technology lives up to the hype, this actually sounds like a great concept. The device is worn like a watch, is powered by kinetic energy from your arm movements and displays information using a holographic display.

The bad news is that this is a pitch for the year 2015. See the full concept here.


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