It may not be the first time Microsoft has tried to use humor and aggressive attacks to go after Google, but this time it hits a little closer to home than they’ve done in the past. In attacking Google Apps as a work productivity tool, Microsoft invokes Wave, Gears, and Buzz as examples of how Google has completely abandoned projects in the recent past.
This time, they’re going to try to help this particular Google product out the door before it can be successfully integrated into business.
Playing on the word, “moonlighting”, this video tries to point out that Google Apps aren’t ready for the business world and may never be. Microsoft Office has been at the core of their company for 2 decades and Microsoft wants to highlight that it’s a proven enterprise-level solution versus Google’s attempts to put the office in their cloud.
They may end up winning the battle against Google in the long run, but this video isn’t going to do it. It isn’t funny. It’s insulting to a company that has a better public perception. The singing at the end is hard to understand. Overall, the video fails to deliver a message other than that they don’t want businesses to use Google Apps.
very good article..