Sikker, Paradoxically, Is All About Keeping Your Baby Healthy

sikker2When you think baby monitors, you think clunky, crackling technology from the 80s, right? Well, in this new concept Sikker, there is none of that. Quite to the contrary, this  concept of two high-tech wristbands is state of the art tech for keeping tabs on your wee one.

Rather than just transmitting sound, the small device wraps around the wrists of baby and mom or dad, and sends biometric information like temperature or pulse.

On top of that, it is also an alarm clock and watch, and can even play music to soothe baby to sleep. The device uses a very cool-looking base to transfer all that information, and judging by the logo there, it seems to do so through bluetooth.

With parents increasingly having to divide their time among a thousand different things, this design seems a good way to keep tabs on baby while still being able to get things done.

[via: Yanko Design]


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