Sony declares the death of feature phones

It may not have been their intention, but it’s definitely a clear indicator. By purchasing Ericsson’s half of the phone deal and announcing plans to move towards a smartphone-only model, Sony has unofficially declared the death of feature phones.

It’s a trend that is likely to continue to hit other manufacturers.

Sony’s president and CEO, Sir Howard Stringer, said it simply, “We’re phasing out feature phones.”

Who’s next?

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JD Rucker
JD Rucker
JD Rucker is Editor at Soshable, a Social Media Marketing Blog. He is a Christian, a husband, a father, and founder of both Judeo Christian Church and Dealer Authority. He drinks a lot of coffee, usually in the form of a 5-shot espresso over ice.


  1. In India more that 70% of phones sold are feature phones and rest are smartphones…why sony is in so much hurry to declare such a thing

    • I also thinks that Sony has done mistake with declared death of feature phones. The people who are uses feature phones has majority than users of smartphones.


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