
VoIP vs. landlines: the showdown

Most advances in technology are synonymous with increased costs and unclear effects on liability exposure.  However, that is not necessarily...
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It may not have been their intention, but it's definitely a clear indicator. By purchasing Ericsson's half of the phone...
I'm not trying to say the folks at the Hasso-Plattner Institute are crazy, but guys: the folks at the Hasso-Plattner...
This would be so rad, if I didn't mind looking like a total chimney. Before you is the 'world's smallest'...
No one can ever say Sharp didn't make unique phones. Actually, 'unique' may be a bit of an understatement in...
I was going to ask you if you enjoy rad things, but I know you. You're a tech blog-surfing, web-savvy,... Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it’s just an old hair dryer that has been turned into...