The ‘Power Suit’, tailored by M.J. Bale and powered by Heritage Bank‘s cutting-edge payment technology, enables the wearer to purchase items at any Visa payWave terminal simply by swiping their sleeve. Made from the finest Australian merino wool, the suit features a contactless payment chip and antenna fused into the sleeve. The balance of the Power Suit can be checked and topped up with a linked Heritage Bank prepaid account accessible online or through an app.
As we rapidly move towards a connected future, we can be sure that the advancement in technology will free us from having to carry around multiple devices. Just look at how cellphones have evolved. With what smartphones allow us to do today, one doesn’t need to carry a separate device for emailing, creating presentations or documents etc. There a lot of work being done to simplify payment technology. M.J. Bale has tailored a “Power Suit” which includes a contactless payment chip through which the wearer can pay for any purchases at a Visa payWave terminal by simply swiping their sleeve. The tailor doesn’t skimp on style on quality. This suit is made from the finest Australian merino wool. Its contactless chip and antenna are fused into the sleeve which allow the wearer to pay with a sweep. The payment technology is powered by Heritage Bank, an Australian financial institution.