The most epic Helm’s Deep LEGO recreation you’ll see in this lifetime
We’ve seen the Minecraft treatment done to Game of Thrones that blew our minds with the digital effort put into it. Now, we get to see physical effort at its geekiest with this recreation of the Helm’s Deep battle scene from Lord of the Rings: Two Towers.
So far, it has taken 150,000 LEGO blocks to put this thing together. It’s not complete, but you probably won’t even notice. LEGO pros Rich and Big J K have outdone themselves with this particular creation. In the book/movie, the kingdom of Rohan was being threatened by Uruk-hai orcs sent by Saruman. The Rohirrim took refuge at Helm’s Deep to make their last stand and the Battle of the Hornburg ensued. It was one of the most amazing book/movie battle scenes in history, culminating in the timely appearance of the White Wizard.
See if you can spot Galdalf in the images below.
It just goes to show that you can’t be a real geek without effort.