online communities

100-115 characters: the sweet spot for getting retweets

When you want to get some pretty good data on using social media for marketing, one of the best people...
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There's a trend on Facebook that simply won't die. Many business pages continue to offer giveaways, contests, and even "exclusive"...
There really is more art than science when it comes to getting retweeted on Twitter. For individual influencers and organizations...
The use of social media to report events has become a normal occurrence. Any time anything happens that is newsworthy,...
More and more people are deleting their Facebook and Twitter accounts because of all the advertisements that flood the page....
If there's one thing that could bring down the whole Twitter empire outside of a catastrophic meltdown of all of...
"Damn you, Facebook. I don't like you but everyone I know is on it. If I want to see pictures...
The opinions that we express in the real world are often not congruent with what we post on Twitter according...
They say you learn something new every day. I learned something about Pinterest the other day that blew my mind...
Twitter is still the most used social network by businesses. This surprises some, but the latest statistics showed that 77%...
There's a strange change that has been happening since the dawn of social media and that continues to accelerate every...
If it's possible to be a true filmmaker using only the 6-seconds allowed on Twitter's Vine app, actor Adam Goldberg...