social networks

Why you need to start saying NO in Social Media

If you are looking at Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or any other social network and are scratching your head as to...
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You’ve seen it, the way other people are able to get social interactions left, right and center. Almost like people...
Okay, so perhaps the title sounds a little negative and normally I don’t like going to the Darkside, unless there...
Have you noticed the increase of pictures on Social Networks as of late? Google+ users have pretty much been doing...
Some employers may be wondering if their employees are using social media at work and/or if they should be allowed...
Social media is a realm that is open to men and women of every race and nationality (other than in...
For the last few months, I have been asked on and off why I didn't have a TECHi presence on...
During the last ten years, social networks have evolved from simple communication hubs to veritable agents of change; galvanizing thousands...
When I heard that Google had put out their first Google+ television commercial, I was both impressed and a little...
Since its launch in late June, Google+ has attracted 25 million unique global visitors. That ascent has far outpaced the...
Facebook has been doing everything it can to keep people from exporting their contacts to bring them into Google+ ever... There sure has been a whole lotta tweetin' goin' on in the last few years, and today marks the completion...